Sunday, September 27, 2015


P didn't have a game today because the other team didn't have enough players. I had coffee and a banana for breakfast. I did some chores then had lunch (salad and pizza biscuits). After lunch I took kids to my Mom's to stay the night. While there I snacked on cottage cheese, animal crackers, a pudding bar, pop, and milk. I hate that I always feel like I need to snack like crazy there even though I wasn't hungry. After getting home, Bob and I walked out at Boy Scout Lake. I think he enjoyed it as much as I do. We watched the OSU game and had dinner (sour cream noodle bake). Then we had dessert, an ice cream bar.

I saw something today that I wanted to address....on Facebook I saw a post of a nude woman covering her lady parts tastefully. It did not offend me, she was beautiful in her imperfections. She had posted (for whatever reason) and a commenter had told her "no one wants to see your fat whale ass, go kill yourself". NOBODY should be telling another person to go kill yourself. The poster struggled with depression and attempted suicide previous to this comment. I understand her. I decided that I need to think about myself differently.....I am guilty of saying "I'm fat." I'm not fat!! I have fat in the same way that I have fingernails or hair. I am many things: a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, honest, loyal, determined, etc...but fat is one thing I am not! This is something that DOES NOT define me! This negative thinking gets passed down to our children, I do not want my children to have the negative body image I did (which cause much of my depression in HS). I try now to have the kids eat healthier and exercise more. I no longer tell them "no, you can't go outside. It's too hot. It's too cold". I allow them to play outside no matter the temperature, just like I did as a kid! 

1 comment:

  1. You a smart, beautiful and amazing women! It's about time YOU finally realize that and start believing that. And hopefully we can teach the kids to be proud of who they are.
